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Coffee 6:35 Thu Nov 23
Often times
These infuriating words seem to have gone mainstream.


What's wrong with 'often'? Or 'sometimes'?


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Moncurs Putting Iron 2:12 Fri Dec 1
Re: Often times
If I have been told to piss often times on here,I have been told a hun dread

Willtell 11:16 Sat Nov 25
Re: Often times
Vexed 5:07 Fri Nov 24
Just noticed this complete fail where you're often times shown to be a liar as well as complete dickhead.

How did Declan Rice turn out to be a £105m player after you said he wouldn't make a decent midfielder?

Willtell 11:13 Sat Nov 25
Re: Often times
Well Manuel your diplomacy often times is poor.

The fact that the potential client hasn't yet moved forward suggests it's another fail...

Manuel 7:38 Sat Nov 25
Re: Often times
Haha, I'm actually still chasing him. I replied to him and said he had taken my email in the wrong context etc, he replied and said ' so let's chalk it up as a misunderstanding and move forward'. No joke.

Coffee 7:22 Sat Nov 25
Re: Often times
Manuel 5:06 Sat Nov 25

Ha ha!

If WHO is anything to go by, I can imagine what you wrote...

Manuel 5:21 Sat Nov 25
Re: Often times
'In a holding pattern'. Do fuck off.

Manuel 5:06 Sat Nov 25
Re: Often times
One time I had a business prospect messing me about so I sent him an email to gave him a slap. he replied and said that's a 'fail' of an email. Silly cunt.

Nutsin 4:58 Sat Nov 25
Re: Often times
The sportscasters out here love to use the word “winningest” ffs! Sounds so fucking retarded when they say it.

Joe blow is the “winningest” coach in SEC history for example. Yet several have used it.

And instead of converse some use “Conversate” gotta laugh!

jfk 1:41 Sat Nov 25
Re: Often times
Thank you “so’” much does my fucking sweed in.
What’s the fucking”so” bollocks all about? Hardly genuine,it’s now become the norm via young shit cunts and old wankers that think it’s it’s alright to say fucking “guys” and fucking “cool”well it fucking ain’t and never will be amongst my lot.

joe royal 10:51 Fri Nov 24
Re: Often times
Every time we get a email from work the phrase ‘moving forward’ seems to make an appearance.

lowlife 10:44 Fri Nov 24
Re: Often times
“He’s/she’s medalled” gets on my wick too.

WHU(Exeter) 10:31 Fri Nov 24
Re: Often times
It's the progression of the English language, only in American English. Spiffing bro.

lowlife 10:25 Fri Nov 24
Re: Often times
I get irritated when people put ‘turned’ in front of someone’s age e.g “my son has just turned 18”.

Vexed 5:07 Fri Nov 24
Re: Often times
Willtell proudly proclaimed he'd "knocked one out in the park" and now he's on the sex offenders register hiding out in a one bedroom grief hole in downtown Arsecrackistan.

You gotta be careful with these sayings.

Mike Oxsaw 4:12 Fri Nov 24
Re: Often times
There's a couple of fairly decent series on YouTube about the evolution of English - one by Melvyn Bragg.

It's interesting to binge-watch these as it's like time-lapse photography in audio.

ironsofcanada 3:59 Fri Nov 24
Re: Often times
Coffee 12:59 Fri Nov 24

Interesting to bring up Chaucer: he wrote 600 and bit years ago. But the English 350 years before him (ie. pre-1066) was very different, more so that his is to ours. His had a bunch of foreign words and grammar (French, more Latin and he personally had an interest in Italian) dumped into it relatively recently.

What usually sounds right to us is what we grew up with, when we formed our language pathways, unfortunately clinging to what's "right" in language is a pretty fruitless task.

Come On You Irons 1:26 Fri Nov 24

That for instance sounds, really unwieldy to me (as to be fair does "often times")

It is just - "knocked one out of the park"

MrTrentReznor 3:27 Fri Nov 24
Re: Often times
Why do Americans pronounce the word 'pundit' as 'pun-dint'?

Come On You Irons 1:26 Fri Nov 24
Re: Often times
One Americanism that really winds me up (or should that be GRINDS MY GEARS) is "smashed it out of the ballpark".

I was watching a documentary about the Tower of London last evening and an elderly white British lady used the phrase "they really pulled it out of the bag" and I was most pleased to hear her use that phrase rather than that awful YANK phrase.

We hear that Yank phrase all the time now in Britain though. "[so and so] really smashed it out of the ball park". Fuck. Off.

Coffee 12:59 Fri Nov 24
Re: Often times
I know language is in constant change and renewal, but if we all spoke like Geoffrey Chaucer nobody would understand a word and we'd be considered barmy. Expressions like often times, whether or not it has a legitimate ancestry, is either an affectation or illiteracy. Either way, it's unnecessary and annoying. Not to mention ugly.

ironsofcanada 12:40 Fri Nov 24
Re: Often times
Oftentimes as one word seems more archaic to me than American

Mandeville (14th century) used it his Travels, for sure.

There is a line from Paradise Lost something like:

And oftentimes though wisdom wake, suspicion sleeps
At wisdoms Gate

, 12:00 Fri Nov 24
Re: Often times
Funny how people are irked by different expressions. Gotten for example is old English and landed in America with the pilgrim fathers. The word frightening is going out of business being done for by the overworked scary.

Nobody ever says the proof of the pudding is in the eating. And a bloke who went off topic the other day was accused of going off on a tandem, sadly nobody challenged that.

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