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CanningTownWA 2:50 Fri Feb 16
Alexei Nalvalny Dead
Always going to happen

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Cheezey Bell-End 8:14 Sun Mar 3
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead
I think he was an idiot for going back when it was obvious he would be murdered. Same with Kara-Murza. It's not like he'll achieve anything. Both are married men too.

easthammer 7:21 Fri Mar 1
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead
Headline on BBC web page

LIVE Navalny buried in Moscow as crowd chants anti-Putin slogans

I thought he was dead! Who to believe eh!

Hammer and Pickle 5:20 Fri Mar 1
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead
So large crowds, including diplomats from US, France and Germany, gather to pay their respects to Alexei Navalny at his funeral in Moscow today. That is despite every effort being made to discourage any gathering, including closing the exits of the local metro station for periods of time, jamming all GPS signals in the area and a total official media blackout. All to show how little support his cause has in Russia and all over the world.

Cheezey Bell-End 4:02 Wed Feb 21
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead
Navalny was no saint, and had he actually been able to challenge Putin in an election, his past would have been dragged out. But as Russia isn't a democracy, and to threaten Putin's position means death, that side of his character isn't often spoken about and isn't very relevant anyway.

joyo 2:03 Wed Feb 21
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead
Usual scumbag bollocks by the Putin apologists

Jaan Kenbrovin 1:20 Wed Feb 21
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead
Navalny wasn't much liked in Ukraine either, for his position on Crimea and the orthodox church of Ukraine.

riosleftsock 12:10 Wed Feb 21
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead

I agree with you. I have no understanding of why Putin would order his death, unless its to send a message to the west on the Munich conference date that he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants, but that is literally my only possible explanation I can suggest.

Navalny did have a lot of enemies in Russia, he was quite a shyster in his day as well as being a neo nazi and islamophobe and anti immigrant. But I'm sure most supporters in the west ignored this and still do.

Side of Ham 11:39 Tue Feb 20
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead
Oh look, one poster bumping a shit thread inadvertently demonstrating what mars our Board these days.

, 11:33 Tue Feb 20
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead

riosleftsock 9:02 Tue Feb 20
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead
In what way was Navalny a serious opposition figure?

He was disliked by most in russia who had heard of him, most Russians have never heard of him. he was a CIA/MI6 asset who was part of a bigger movement backed by the west to try to overthrow the Russian government.

That post begs the question, if what it states is the reality, why bother to do for Navalny?

Hammer and Pickle 9:17 Tue Feb 20
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead
What the president of the legitimate totalitarian regime in Venezuela?

What out, your pie may be a CIA asset and may be about to take over the microwave

Kaiser Zoso 9:12 Tue Feb 20
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead
What, like Juan Guaido you mean?

someone who didn’t win an election, but was propped up by the CIA as a US asset to illegally claim power from the legitimate president?

Hammer and Pickle 9:11 Tue Feb 20
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead
Well, if I may make so bold, since Navalny was an asset of both the CIA and MI6, he must have been even darkerer and more sinisterer than the Pussyriot girl who is only backed by NED.

riosleftsock 9:02 Tue Feb 20
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead
In what way was Navalny a serious opposition figure?

He was disliked by most in russia who had heard of him, most Russians have never heard of him. he was a CIA/MI6 asset who was part of a bigger movement backed by the west to try to overthrow the Russian government.

Hammer and Pickle 8:54 Tue Feb 20
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead
This NED organisation sound dreadfully evil and sinister; have they tortured thousands of journalists in prison and knocked off any serious opposition figure like Navalny or Nemtsov yet?

riosleftsock 8:44 Tue Feb 20
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead
Trundle, correct. One of the Pussy Riots girls is one of the co-founders of Mediazona, along with the BBC.

There is a spider's web of organisations set up and funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) which is 100% a US govt outfit funding political blocs in other countries and often behind color revolutions against regimes they don't like.

Northern Sold 7:45 Tue Feb 20
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead
Any news of those 60 odd Ukrainian prisoners that were MEANT to have been on board that Il-76 that was downed last month?? I mean Ivan was meant to be swapping them anyway so what does it matter if they are a bit charred and in bits??

Lee Trundle 5:44 Tue Feb 20
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead
Pussy Riot have turned to journalism?

, 5:38 Tue Feb 20
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead
e independent news website Mediazona reported that the account was subject to a “shadow ban” — which limits the traction, engagement, and visibility of posts without letting the user know — just hours after it was created.

However, by Tuesday afternoon, the account was suspended altogether for allegedly “violating X rules,” though it was not clear what rules exactly Navalnaya's account had broken.

The account was restored within roughly one hour.

X has yet to officially comment on the suspension of Navalnaya's account.

collyrob 4:56 Tue Feb 20
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead
Was the account suspended or was it fake news?

Lee Trundle 4:51 Tue Feb 20
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead

Do you mean this one, that's up and running?

, 4:36 Tue Feb 20
Re: Alexei Nalvalny Dead
Just heard that X, formally Twitter, has banned the recently set up Yulia Navalny site.

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