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tnb 12:33 Mon Jan 25
Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
Fucking YES!

Love this man. Moyes? Benitez? Klopp? We got the best one.


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1964 10:43 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
... and we're off!

dicksie3 9:51 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
What a complete contrast Bilic is to fucking BORING BOLLOCKS in every possible way...


Browno22 9:51 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
You don't have to be happy with it, but I hope he still respects it

peroni 9:38 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
The only thing cringey about this thread is the use of the word "cringe". Well, that and saying "melt".

Bilic is fucking superb. How he's turned us round is nothing less than incredible, given the way we were looking. Allardyce's mantra was "respect the point". Bilic saying he's never happy with the point is well worth a thread.

joyo 9:37 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
PD you will suck any man's cock you fat bore me to

Norflundon 9:28 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
Only time I see anyone talking about fatty on here is in response to you
The only person on here I've ever seen mention bilic in the same breath as fergie is you
God your a tedious boring cunt,.......that was ME

Private Dancer 9:17 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
If he says before the Villa game something like 'I'm looking for 3 points' I'm gonna start a thread on it and then you can all come along and suck his cock and marvel that he actually said that.

Scraper 9:15 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
I was in a minority of 1, claiming ad nauseam he's the PERFECT fit for a club such as ours.

You may all queue up and pay your dues.

Private Dancer 9:13 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
Because Bilic is getting credited for just saying something that surely most managers would think/say. Ridiculous and makes us look like a bunch of melts. The OP should have just started another thread slagging off Allardyce, because that is all this thread is about. That's why.

Grumpster 9:12 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
If you don't want to be cringed out, then don't open a thread that you know will be cringey, which in turn will make you post something cringey.

Not rocket science is it.

Keep it going slav.

Norflundon 9:09 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
Why's it cringey.....? The fat cunt actually said it before they played Bournemouth on Saturday.....
What's wrong with people pointing out that they love our managers attitude towards trying to win games...? Pretty sure fatty wouldn't of brought Jelavic on sat once it went 2-2 also pretty sure he wouldn't of sent EVERYONE up for the free kick in the last minute where we hit the bar and nearly won it
I for one will happy to be cringey every time we have a performance like that due to our managers positivity

Mr Polite 8:31 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
I didn't say it wasn't cringe - I said if it makes you cringe the. So be it.

You are indeed 100% right in the only reason this thread exists is to have a dig about the fat turd we had here before.

So what? I love it. I'd happily have every single thread have digs at the cunt.

Private Dancer 8:24 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
It IS cringey, no doubt about it. But that's WHO for ya, no middle ground. A lot of managers are never happy with the point, so what Bilic said is normal for a manager and in no way was it worthy of highlightng and starting a thread, but we know why it was don't we, it's simply been used to have yet another dig at fatty. Cringe indeed. Let's move on a bit.

lowlife 8:24 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
Agree with all of that, Polite. Alongside the slumping in the chair I'd also add the disgusting open mouthed chewing of gum. Like a pig chewing on tripe - can you imagine what it must be like sitting with him at the dinner table.

Mr Polite 8:19 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
It's possible to be happy with the performance but not happy with the point of the loss.

I think the majority came away yesterday chuffed with the performance but gutted with the point.

It's the attitude of the manager that people love and that because it is so different to the fat cancer who incidentley IS the scum of the earth, the feeling of love for Bilic feels just that little bit stronger.

It literally could have been anyone else and I'd have been happier than I was last season, but because it is someone so polar opposite in style and personality it have put me and others in to a state of near delirium.

If that makes you cringe, so be it. It won't be nearly as close to the cringe I felt every time I saw the vile scum slumped in our managers chair

Private Dancer 5:58 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
I said happy, not enjoys....misquoting again.

Bilic is God, and BFS is the scum of the earth.

That's pretty cringe in my book.

Coffee 5:40 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
Don't be stupid. Nobody enjoys it when we lose.

Carpe diem, Private, for all that's it's worth.

Private Dancer 5:24 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
This is all getting extremly cringe now.

I wanted Bilic myself, but talking him up all the time like he's Alex Ferguson is, as I say, getting all rather cringe now and two bob...lucky we never got Ranieri instead!!

As for never being happy with a point, well plenty here are, some are still happy when we lose.

*waits for some wet to say he's better than Fergie*

Gavros 4:08 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"

Son of Anarchy 3:31 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"

Please tell me that at some point in the next 18000 years well have won something?

Lovejoy 3:49 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
Also said something along the lines of if we play to our potential we will give anyone a game a fear no one.

Son of Anarchy 3:31 Mon Jan 25
Re: Bilic - "you are never happy with the point"
Bilic is the 1st west ham manager in my time watching whu and thats since 19080 thats has no fear.

2 all vs mancity and all their riches, every other west ham manger ive seen wouldve put a defender on but biloc rolled the dice and went for it.

Love the agressive style and it almost paid off.

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