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franksfat&slow&wank 10:41 Tue Jan 24
Robert Snodgrass
It seems this one is likely based on reports in the last 24 hours

9 goals and 4 assists in 24 games this season
8 goals and 7 assists in 26 games 15/16
2014/2015 injured
10 goals 5 assists in 42 games 13/14
8 goals 7 assists 2012/2013

I'd say he improves the squad?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

arsegrapes 2:53 Sun Feb 18
Re: Robert Snodgrass
Like most he went down with that terrible bout of Bilicitisis that ravaged the whole squad. Fortunately they managed to quarantine and cull the management team that were so badly affected, many whom will never recover.

Robert is slowly improving, but may never be the same unless he returns and is pierced with a large dose of Moyesinelli.

Bernie 12:30 Sun Feb 18
Re: Robert Snodgrass
Poorly used when first bought, could easily have done a job for us this season.

Would like to see him come back and get another chance.

Alex V 12:13 Sun Feb 18
Re: Robert Snodgrass
At 31 what are we really expecting? I don't disagree he could be useful, but it's just not a productive route forward. It would be another stop-gap.

Godwinson 7:46 Sat Feb 17
Re: Robert Snodgrass
V, I think it’s more about getting our £10m signing playing under a manager who knows what he’s doing. Snodgrass would probably thrive under Moyes.

Alex V 7:25 Sat Feb 17
Re: Robert Snodgrass
Mixed feelings. Obviously he should never have been bought at that price - I'd be pretty sure all involved now accept that. If you then take 18 months to decide what to do with him you have compounded the mistake. It is too slow - if you're working 18 months slower than the competition you are falling further behind.

I can totally see Moyes's logic if he wants to give the player another chance in pre-season, but really it's a sign of the vacuum in decision-making at the club. Last Summer he was shoved out on loan, this Summer he's back in the fold - it adds up to complete inertia. And with the greatest respect it shouldn't ever be Moyes decision - it should have been decided before the purchase was made, then more efficiently solved last Summer.

Norflundon 6:58 Sat Feb 17
Re: Robert Snodgrass Signed
This bloke is shit....if we get our10 mill back I’m not sure who I’d laugh at more Villa for paying that much for this donkey or Swansea for buy that spastic Ayew

arsegrapes 5:05 Sat Feb 17
Re: Robert Snodgrass

Dear oh dear

Cheezey Bell-End 10:24 Sat Feb 17
Re: Robert Snodgrass
That's some serious small man syndrome you got there joyo.

Mrkxxx 10:22 Sat Feb 17
Re: Robert Snodgrass
He's a white Sakho...lol

Private Dancer 4:28 Sat Feb 17
Re: Robert Snodgrass
What chilled out like you sound? Lol.

joyo 4:07 Sat Feb 17
Re: Robert Snodgrass
Fuck off Mincer you argumentative fat scumbag, try chilling out you pissed up loser...... Cunt!

Private Dancer 3:27 Sat Feb 17
Re: Robert Snodgrass
Lee Trundle 5:40 Fri Feb 16
Re: Robert Snodgrass
... says the person doing exactly the same thing in Bangkok on a Friday nigh''

I don't recall searching for Robert Snodgrass threads, but if you say so cunt.

Mr. Burns 1:08 Sat Feb 17
Re: Robert Snodgrass
Looks like I was right as usual. He's shit and can fuck off to Villa permanently.

Mr. Burns 1:07 Sat Feb 17
Re: Robert Snodgrass

Athletico Easthamico 11:36 Fri Jan 27
Re: Robert Snodgrass Signed
Yeah he was rubbish when he ran the show at our place.

Excellent signing.

Mr. Burns 11:33 Fri Jan 27
Re: Robert Snodgrass Signed
This bloke is fucking rubbish.

El Scorchio 7:07 Fri Feb 16
Re: Robert Snodgrass
Trouble is that young players (unless they are average/shit) don't fit the owners set transfer criteria,which are

a) dirt cheap
b) short term loan

VirginiaHam 6:15 Fri Feb 16
Re: Robert Snodgrass
Maybe I've got my knickers in a twist unnecessarily, but can't we make the next 7 signings under the age of 26 and stop deaiing in 30 somethings?

Combined age of Zab, Pele, Fonte and Evra = 137.

franksfat&slow&wank 6:08 Fri Feb 16
Re: Robert Snodgrass
dancer I have no life which is why I am on here

Lee Trundle 5:40 Fri Feb 16
Re: Robert Snodgrass
... says the person doing exactly the same thing in Bangkok on a Friday night.

Private Dancer 5:34 Fri Feb 16
Re: Robert Snodgrass
franks - Get a fucking life, son. Truly. Why would anyone on a Friday arvo be thinking about Robert 'fucking ' Snodgrass?

Alex Bunbury 5:27 Fri Feb 16
Re: Robert Snodgrass
It might depend what division Villa are in as if they get promoted they might well want to retain his services. Other than that I would imagine it would be reliant on another club stumping up for his wages and transfer fee, the prospect of which I think would be slim. So another loan deal or sticks with us.

El Scorchio 5:25 Fri Feb 16
Re: Robert Snodgrass
Deserves a go IMO.

He's been decent everywhere he's played except here under Bilic. I'd like to see what Moyes can get out of him.

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