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charleyfarley 6:07 Fri May 5
⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread FT 1-0 ATT: 56,992.

London Stadium
23rd Sept 12:30

Michael Oliver : (44) 138 5

• Lanzini (knee) & Obiang (muscle) are out
• Collins (ankle) is out, Noble is available

• Wanyama, Lamela & Rose are out
• Serge Aurier & Ben Davies could return

• West Ham 9/2 : Draw 3/1 : Tottenham 8/13

I will put up streams during the match if anybody finds any

• Cloudy max temp 16C

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Sir Alf 1:22 Tue May 9
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread FT 1-0 ATT: 56,992.
A match that needs no introduction
Sp**s are suffering from Big Stadium syndrome
We will need to be at our best

Lily Hammer 10:22 Mon May 8
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread FT 1-0 ATT: 56,992.

London Stadium
20th Oct 15:00

Michael Oliver : (44) 138 5

• Lanzini (knee) & Obiang (muscle) are out
• Collins (ankle) is out, Noble is available

• Wanyama, Lamela & Rose are out
• Serge Aurier & Ben Davies could return

• West Ham : Draw : Tottenham

I will put up streams during the match if anybody finds any

• Cloudy max temp 16C

Sir Alf 9:37 Mon May 8
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread FT 1-0 ATT: 56,992.
I ate my large slice of humble pie on Saturday evening but will down another slice :-)

Still do not think Bilic is not the long term answer but its just my opinion. The win was excellent as were his tactics and set up on Friday but has to be taken in context of the entire season. How much was he forced into the 3 at the back and wing backs ? Anyway he will start next season as manager now on the back of this. Will be happy to be proved wrong yet again.


Saul Bollox 9:01 Mon May 8
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
Just watched it again, could not help smiling.

Gavros 8:45 Mon May 8
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
i was in that crowd. it was a good laugh until they stopped letting people in the carpenters.

Saul Bollox 8:41 Mon May 8
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
northbanker 2:46 Mon May 8

The bit in the tunnel at the end was priceless.

Coffee 4:40 Mon May 8
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
northbanker 2:46 Mon May 8

Excellent video.

, 4:26 Mon May 8
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
There were plenty of other posters saying that we'd get a bashing that you could have quoted from.

Whitester. 4:23 Mon May 8
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
Yeah shame about Sir Alfs I always looked out for his posts. I don't so much anymore.

BetterthanKaka 4:07 Mon May 8
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
You can't argue with Alf or Boots' consistency, Sold0.

Consistently wrong, about everything

Northern Sold 4:05 Mon May 8
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
Fantastic work there Kaks... surprised to see Sir Alf on there... no ... really I am... honestly.... really surprised... most unlike him....

BetterthanKaka 3:57 Mon May 8
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
Some absolute gems on here.

Sir Alf 8:47 Fri May 5
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
Nordtveit added much needed strength and compared to Noble has pace ( i know who hasnt).

This is the reason he has to go. Play the men on performance not bring in your favourites or perceived fans favourites.

I fear for us now even more.

ragingbull 8:47 Fri May 5
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
Statement of Intent from Bilic.

Intent to loose that is.

Sir Alf 8:53 Fri May 5
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
Noble's inclusion is the last straw. May as well give them the points now. Noble's past reputation and long association with the club getting him picked IMO.

cartis 8:55 Fri May 5
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
Spot on Alf.
He must want the sack.
Absolutely staggering decision.

Reply Vexed 8:59 Fri May 5
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
Slav is an absolute lunch. That lineup is shit.

Reply Spandex Sidney 9:04 Fri May 5
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread

We are playing at home against our rivals who we weren't that far off not long ago and we are 17/2 to win. At home.

I hate Slaven Bilic SO much, he's ruining us, NOT the stadium, NOT the owners, him, just him.

The ONLY possible explanation is he wants the sack and is too much of a coward or too greedy to walk. Just like he did when he left us as a player.

Pathetic manager, Zola mark 2. He could have least TRIED to set us up to win without bringing his mates straight back in.

Fuck off you dracula cunt and take your bum boy Noble with you

Reply LeroysBoots 9:08 Fri May 5
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
Fucking Noble ?

Fuck off Bilic you dozy cunt

northbanker 2:46 Mon May 8
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
A bit long this but worth watching. The last 2 to 3 minutes of the video are a pure pleasure to watch.


Mad Dog 1:35 Mon May 8
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
Bish. Their support was abysmal. Went 1 down and suddenly silence. Empty away end with 5 left at only 1 down. Pathetic away support.

gph 1:15 Mon May 8
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
Arf @ stats - Lanzini's was apparently the 400th Argie goal in the Premiership.

bish bash bosh 9:34 Sun May 7
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
most of their fans had fucked off before the final whistle...their players went over to them at the end and we're basically clapping to about 100 fans...that says it all about the deluded, self absorbed fans they are. we listened to a spurs fan on the way home on talksport saying Daniel levy should leave the club. give me strength !.

rumford 5:07 Sun May 7
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
Nice one Pedro
I liked the response , you bottled it that's why you have a chicken on your badge. hahaha

BubblesCyprus 4:30 Sun May 7
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
Still getting my head around attendances of nearly 57K thanks Charley ?? for adding later.

Side of Ham 3:16 Sun May 7
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
Sometimes as Spurs fans you have to look yourself in the eye and ask "why do West Ham think we are such cunts?" "What behaviour of ours make them celebrate beating us and rubbing it in so much?"

Then watch that vlog link over and over until it sinks in.....

West Ham are not the only club who think you are cunts we are just the it ones given the opportunity to ram all your cuntish behaviour and over the top media cock sucking back at you.

You can quote all the wins you've had etc, etc but for two seasons now and historically.......YOU'VE FUCKING BOTTLED IT.

All gob is Spurs, all gob.

Far Cough 1:34 Sun May 7
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
Go to 6.45, shut those planks up

mallard 11:34 Sun May 7
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Tottenham- Official Match Thread
That 'V-Log' link is superb !!

Why do they both talk like Touker Sulyman from Dragons Den???

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