WHO Poll

HairyHammer 12:09 Tue Nov 6
Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning
What do you think ?
Is it the death of humanity or just a bit of fun ?.
Me, I think the end of the world is nigh and stupidity has become normal, oh and racism is now saying it like it is.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mike Oxsaw 4:17 Fri Nov 9
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning
the last eastender 2:58 Fri Nov 9

You'd struggle to get through the Watford Gap.

the last eastender 2:58 Fri Nov 9
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning

Yep. I'm getting through to you.

Mike Oxsaw 2:47 Fri Nov 9
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning
Absolutely floored me, that.

We can't possibly leave now!

People are hedging their personal bets, or even seeing advantages to be taken in the UK leaving the EU!!

How very dare they! This is NOT allowed! They HAVE to wait and see what happens FIRST!

Stop the train! Stop the Train!

the last eastender 2:45 Fri Nov 9
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning
Add Lord Barker to the list.

orwells tragedy 2:36 Fri Nov 9
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning
Wallop! Take that Oxsaw, no coming back from that.

the last eastender 2:23 Fri Nov 9
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning
Mike oxsaw

Yes I can think of some turncoats-
Aaron banks
Nigel farageski
Jacob rees mogg
Boris Johnson
Among others

Mr Anon 2:14 Fri Nov 9
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning
I remember similar things happening after 9/11, people going as twin towers for fancy dress etc. Everyone just tutted and moved on, no one dreamt it should be a police matter, shows how much we've regressed in under 20 years

Mike Oxsaw 1:36 Fri Nov 9
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning
the last eastender 10:51 Fri Nov 9

What about turncoat, tle, is that term acceptable?

Can you think of anyone to whom it could apply?

joe royal 1:08 Fri Nov 9
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning
Official version is a drug overdose .

joyo 12:54 Fri Nov 9
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning
I'm hungry l could murder a bacon buttie right now

the last eastender 11:42 Fri Nov 9
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning
The incident was stupid ignorant disrespectful and a but sick but no way does it warrant this much attention and arrests.
As others say why aren't people who burn union jacks and poppies arrested?
Reminds me of the Bristol football hooligan who was thrown in prison for putting bacon on the door handles at a mosque. Yes stupid but did it deserve prison?
Strangely enough he was murdered in nick, I wonder whom by?

, 11:07 Fri Nov 9
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning
Watched BBC Question Time last night and not one of the panellists considered this incident to be a crime.

the last eastender 10:51 Fri Nov 9
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning
Anyone who uses the phrase snowflake or buttercup is a total Ron obvious

Mike Oxsaw 10:41 Fri Nov 9
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning
This place falls well short of even the minimum criteria for being "social media".

It's clunky unmodified layout and presentation style keeps it that way, as does the style of message exchanges.

People are free to read what's posted and if they don't feel happy, simply go and look for their "fix", whether it be West Ham or just someone with whom to chat.

For fuck's sake, this site can't even do snowflakes properly.

the last eastender 9:21 Fri Nov 9
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning

How can you slag off people for having social media accounts when you spend most of your life on here?
Serious question?

simon.s 12:40 Fri Nov 9
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning
Shit, ain’t it?

Nurse Ratched 12:30 Fri Nov 9
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning
Yes this is 2018.

Lucky us.

simon.s 12:28 Fri Nov 9
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning
That’s too simplistic, Nurse. This is 2018.

Nurse Ratched 12:24 Fri Nov 9
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning
I would like to see them grow up and delete their social media accounts. Followed swiftly by the rest of you.

simon.s 12:23 Fri Nov 9
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning
Seriously question, what do people want to see happen to those involved?

joe royal 11:51 Thu Nov 8
Re: Grenfell Tower bonfire efıggy burning
Ray gets confused , just humour him.

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