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northbanker 4:00 Fri Nov 15
What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

mashed in maryland 9:54 Sun Nov 17
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?
Hahaha, fair fucking play to the two who've answered honestly

AVOR 5:38 Sat Nov 16
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?
Married reasonably happily for many a year so no desire to pay for sex, but surely these days there is no need with the internet and the variety of sites available (so my mates tel lme!) for people to just meet randoms and do as they please.....

Sven Roeder 5:15 Sat Nov 16
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?
Not unless you sucked his cock

Northern Sold 4:45 Sat Nov 16
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?
I stuck a few quid in a strippers pint glass in Browns (Shoreditch) does this count??

Texas Iron 4:17 Sat Nov 16
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?

1964 3:56 Sat Nov 16
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?

normannomates 4:10 Sat Nov 16
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?
Been mugged off twice by the ladies of the night
Second one played a blinder.. Told me to run a bath..

joyo 2:58 Sat Nov 16
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?
Sleazy Bell End... When you have paid off a chick with dick brass in Thailand is it true you refer to it as a Trans-action?

BRANDED 2:24 Sat Nov 16
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?
Prince Andrew May have an interesting response to this question

gph 2:10 Sat Nov 16
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?
Tex will be on this thread, just as soon as he works out the exchange rates.

arsegrapes 2:00 Sat Nov 16
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?
Slightly off topic. A best mate of mine RIP said he was in the VD clinic being treated for Gonorrhoea when there were some blood curdling screams coming from the next room, when he asked what was wrong with the bloke, the doctors said he has syphilis of the anus!

Browno22 1:51 Sat Nov 16
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?
This is the best who thread in a (love you) long time

Alfs 1:39 Sat Nov 16
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?
yogib 5:49 Fri Nov 15

A mate of mine went through a similar divorce and decided not to bother with relationships again. He makes a bloody good living and is very good looking so wouldn't have any problems pulling very attractive women.

Instead, once a month he books a couple of escorts for an all-nighter, gets in a couple of bottles of tequila and a couple of grams of coke and weed and has the time of his life.

He tells me that all of the girls are not only stunning but great partiers and get completely into it.

I can see the attraction but if I ended up single again I'd have to go for the 'Easy Jet' version - which it's shotgunning a couple of cans of tennants and fucking some ropey whore in an Oxford alleyway.

I'll probably join Match.com instead.

Cheezey Bell-End 1:36 Sat Nov 16
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?
You're only about 8 hours late you pathetic worm.

joyo 1:33 Sat Nov 16
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?
Has Who's brass expert Sleazy Bell End posted on this yet?
He's probably paid more than anyone else on here as he married one! Fact not bullshit!

Too Much Too Young 12:40 Sat Nov 16
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?
Not a trip i went on, but i know of someone who allegedly paid 1500 euros for a hand job behind a curtain in some dodgy gaff in Paris.

1500 fucking euros for a wank. What a cunt.

Side of Ham 12:34 Sat Nov 16
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?
Vexed 8:25 Fri Nov 15

That's too vivid, you must have been the victim in the true story.......

Browno22 12:15 Sat Nov 16
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?
The people who admit to this are the sort of fat bald cunts who fart loudly in public spaces

zebthecat 12:11 Sat Nov 16
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?
Why anyone would want to know or anyone would want to say is a mystery.
As is why anyone would go to a prostitute in the first place.

joe royal 9:08 Fri Nov 15
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?
Maybe I’m not that highly sexed as you young bucks or far to tight .

30 mins for sex with a stranger for between 50 and 200 quid?

Would rather have a wank and buy a steak dinner with the change.

Far Cough 8:58 Fri Nov 15
Re: What's the most and/or least you've paid for a prostitute?

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