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Alfs 2:33 Fri Mar 12
Sarah Everard murder
Weird one, this. I have a strong feeling that a serial killer has been found, who has a complicit wife. You don't usually ship in portable offices, dogs, divers and hundreds of cops after a body is found.

Great twist for Bodyguard 2, though.

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Cilla_ Black A1 4:53 Sun Oct 3
Re: Sarah Everard murder
disgraced coppers behind the door are fucked..

Alfs 2:21 Sat Oct 2
Re: Sarah Everard murder
Fifth Column

That was a few months back, so it may have changed.

I've no problem and understand the reasoning behind an ethnic recruitment drive, but that silyl punch aside, my son would make an excellent police officer. His appeal is no doubt severely weakened now that psycho cop's been banged up forever.

easthammer 2:19 Sat Oct 2
Re: Sarah Everard murder
Whoever wrote: (cant be asked to read the thread)

"I'm an ex-copper and I am far more intelligent than 99% of the posters on here"

Maybe an ex-copper but, they definitely haven't lost the knack of supplying unsubstantiated evidence, the use of dubious statistics and communication in an arogant fashion, have they?

Someone once told me that Police Intelligence was an oxymoron but of course I didn't know what they meant.

gph 1:35 Sat Oct 2
Re: Sarah Everard murder
"I'm an ex copper and I am far more intelligent than 99% of the posters on here."

Why didn't this genius sort out the Police force instead of quitting?

Fifth Column 1:27 Sat Oct 2
Re: Sarah Everard murder

I just Googled GNP recruitment.

They are not recruiting anyone at present in terms of PCs.

They are running information sessions targeted at black and minority applicants to encourage them to apply when applications open.

You can argue the process or promoting opportunities to under represented sections of the population but it doesn't appear true to say they are currently recruiting non white people at the expense of whitey.

goose 10:25 Fri Oct 1
Re: Sarah Everard murder
twoleftfeet 8:02 Thu Sep 30
Re: Sarah Everard murder
I'm an ex copper and I am far more intelligent than 99% of the posters on here.

Haha good one.

twoleftfeet 10:25 Fri Oct 1
Re: Sarah Everard murder
The Dave channel is showing clips of black comedians saying how hard their lives are.

They want to try being a white, straight, middle aged working class male. Everyone hates us πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Browno22 10:20 Fri Oct 1
Re: Sarah Everard murder
So they are only hiring black or Asians, yet all white men are the racists.

twoleftfeet 10:03 Fri Oct 1
Re: Sarah Everard murder

They do need us, thank you for that toe rag.

Toe Rag 9:41 Fri Oct 1
Re: Sarah Everard murder
β€œLet’s face facts. All men are evil. All men are rapists. All men are murderers. All men are sexual predators.”

But they’ll let us out of they need a big spider or a daddy longlegs removing from the house.

twoleftfeet 9:26 Fri Oct 1
Re: Sarah Everard murder
I said I was intelligent David, I didn’t say I was a proof reader 😁

twoleftfeet 9:24 Fri Oct 1
Re: Sarah Everard murder
Lots of hatred towards men at the moment on MSM. That grotesque Ribeiro Bell Addy leading the charge along with Jess Phillips. The actress Patsy Stephenson has also crawled back out from under her rock.

Let’s face facts. All men are evil. All men are rapists. All men are murderers. All men are sexual predators.

We should all hand ourselves in and be locked up, make the world a far safer place.

Alfs 9:08 Fri Oct 1
Re: Sarah Everard murder
My ex-army son, who has a degree in International law and a master's in anti-terrorism is incredibly keen to join the Manc police but they are presently only hiring black and Asian recruits.

Another problem is that 5 or 6 years ago he gave some pissed up trouble maker a slap, and the cunt ran to the police and my son was done for assault. He's appealing that though, in time for when they open it up to white applicants.

daveyg 8:46 Fri Oct 1
Re: Sarah Everard murder
"I'm an ex copper and I am far more intelligent than 99% of the posters on here.

When I joined up in 87 the selection process was intense but I know for a fact now it has been watered down in case any potential recruits get upset by being question."

Not that intelligent enough to check the spelling of that statement officer......"being questioned". I believe . :)

Westside 7:30 Fri Oct 1
Re: Sarah Everard murder
Anyhow, what is your rate for the job? Six figures?

Not worried about the pay, for either job, but not having a predilection for murdering women, I don't think I'm suitably qualified, for either profession.

Alfs 6:44 Fri Oct 1
Re: Sarah Everard murder
600 years

Fifth Column 12:51 Fri Oct 1
Re: Sarah Everard murder
Side of Ham

You are actually trained never to do that but it becomes a habit

twoleftfeet 11:32 Fri Oct 1
Re: Sarah Everard murder
That video was released to all media outlets, nothing sinister going on.

dealcanvey 11:23 Fri Oct 1
Re: Sarah Everard murder
How did the Gaurdian get hold of that video of him being interviewed by Police in his own home?

Someone from old Bill could not have sold them it surely?

Mike Oxsaw 9:21 Thu Sep 30
Re: Sarah Everard murder
And, like HGV1 drivers, how much would YOU need to be paid to do this job?

I'm all for picking out the bad apples, but there does need to be a collection of apples containing the bad ones to be picked out.

Anyhow, what is your rate for the job? Six figures?

normansmymate 9:18 Thu Sep 30
Re: Sarah Everard murder
terrible affair this, but im sure they wil find some anxiety/depression excuse for the poor little luvey who was driven to such an act , fucking pathetic fucks

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