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riosleftsock 10:53 Sat May 8
RIP Ninja
Just after christmas 12 years ago, Londonrebel posted a thread up here about 12 Black Lab puppies that had been abandoned at one day old and dumped without their mother in Pets R Us in Romford. She asked if anybody could please adopt one of these puppies.

I'd just moved to Buckhurst Hill with my wife and we agreed to see if we could get one.

I remember going to see the pups, we were warned that there was a possibility that some of the pups wouldn't make it as some had probably not got the mother's clostrium. We chose the fattest one, a bitch, all of the males had already been taken. There were 7 bitches and 5 dogs.

As the weeks went by while we waited, we heard that a kennel infection had started to affect the litter and each wee it was horrible as we heard another puppy had died. In the end 7 died, most of the bitches survived, and luckily so did our Ninja.

She has been our family dog, growing up with both my girls, protecting our house by barking at postmen and delivery drivers.

Over the last few weeks she deteriorated quite rapidly, and was suffering from some sort of attack on her lymphomatic system and we sadly had to put her t sleep this morning.

RIP Ninja, you fucking legend and thank you to Londonrebel (Chrissy). I will say some more prayers for you tonight.

And thanks to WHO.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

ChesterRd 9:14 Sun May 9
Re: RIP Ninja
Ninja sounds like she had a wonderful life surrounded by people who loved her, can't ask for more than that. RIP

jfk 8:44 Sun May 9
Re: RIP Ninja
Really sorry to hear Rios,when their times up you can only do the right thing.
RIP Ninga

Northern Sold 7:45 Sun May 9
Re: RIP Ninja
Cherish the times sock son...

RIP Ninja

Westham67 4:54 Sun May 9
Re: RIP Ninja
It is sad to see them like he was the alpha male of the neighborhood. He never poohed in the house and got up to go outside and his front legs buckled and he couldn't move and we lost him that night

riosleftsock 3:50 Sun May 9
Re: RIP Ninja
Thanks all.

Similar with our 67 - I was having to hold her under her belly when she ate as her backs were so weak, they would shake and she'd keep sitting down. Sad end to such a gentle, powerful dog.

Westham67 3:03 Sun May 9
Re: RIP Ninja
I feel for you mate that is shit news. We had a full liter of 4 One stood out as the domintent male he was mixed breed but had the look and intelligence of a border collie. He used to follow my kids when they played outside and my boy got upset because the dog gave away when he was playing hide a seek. He got sick and deteriorated quickly . We were going to put him to sleep the next morning because he got really weak and couldn't walk and his breathing was really fast but he started choking so I picked him up to help him breath and he died while I was holding him up

Joe C 1:50 Sun May 9
Re: RIP Ninja
Sorry to hear that Rios - it’s absolutely like losing a member of your family and is horrible.

RIP Ninja

OccupyGreenStreet 1:22 Sun May 9
Re: RIP Ninja
RIP Ninja. Sounds like a great dog, found the right family at the right time.

Coffee 1:18 Sun May 9
Re: RIP Ninja
It hurts.

So sorry.

ted fenton 12:56 Sun May 9
Re: RIP Ninja
Feel your pain Rios it's like losing a family member but how brilliant that you and your wife gave her a happy life and was there for her from the start.

MaryMillingtonsGhost 12:29 Sun May 9
Re: RIP Ninja
So very sorry to hear of your loss fella.
Not much I know, but try to take some solace in the fact that she lived her life happily as part of a family who loved her dearly.

lab 3:38 Sun May 9
Re: RIP Ninja
A dogs life is never long enough .

Bouncing Ludo 3:05 Sun May 9
Re: RIP Ninja
So sorry for your loss. I remember the puppy thread well as we were due to have one of the bitches who sadly didn't make it.

For your Ninja to have survived the tough start at all is a miracle, and due in no small part to londonrebel she was lucky enough to become part of your loving family.

Losing your dog is horrible, but she had a good life thanks to Chrissy and your family.

the coming of gary 2:23 Sun May 9
Re: RIP Ninja
sorry to hear that, but pleased she got to live a long life with a great family

Side of Ham 2:10 Sun May 9
Re: RIP Ninja
I wish I could say it’s just a fucking dog rios, but these animals become such precious parts of our lives that I crumble into a heap more than I have most humans I have lost such is their presence in my emotional feelings.

Amazing creatures that create a feeling of such loyalty you’ll rarely find elsewhere.

Moncurs Putting Iron 12:48 Sun May 9
Re: RIP Ninja
My sincerest and heartfelt condolences to you and your family Rios,

You know that I know how you feel.

RIP Ninja, look up Max at the Rainbow Bridge while you wait, think you two would get along.

only1billybonds 11:21 Sat May 8
Re: RIP Ninja
Condolonces mate, losing a family dog is devastating.

joyo 11:18 Sat May 8
Re: RIP Ninja
You have lost the most loving and loyal member of your family...gutting mate

normansmymate 11:15 Sat May 8
Re: RIP Ninja
Sorry Rios

Tomshardware 11:06 Sat May 8
Re: RIP Ninja
Sorry for your loss, they leave a huge void.

On The Ball 11:06 Sat May 8
Re: RIP Ninja
RIP Ninja, you lovely little pillock. I'm sure she had a great life.

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