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On The Ball 12:58 Sat Mar 26
Biannual Dubai thread
Week after next I'm going to Dubai. I've never had a massive desire to go as I've not seen anything that attracts me to it (and when people like Andy Carroll think somewhere is classy, alarm bells ring), but I want to go everywhere and the flight and very fancy desert hotel are on points, so we're going.

As well as two nights in the desert we're having two nights in the city - currently staying in Al Seef as it looks a touch more interesting than everywhere else but I'm thinking of changing that to somewhere more central. Anyway, while I knew it was expensive to get a beer there, I didn't realise quite how expensive! Other than during the happy hours, is it possible to get a reasonably-priced drink anywhere in the evening/after dinner?

I'd be happy with a 90/10 split between abuse and advice here.....


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

brick_lane_batty_boy 4:39 Tue Mar 29
Re: Biannual Dubai thread
Come On You Irons 5:15 Mon Mar 28
Re: Biannual Dubai thread

"I earn a six figure salary so I can certainly afford to go" = That's a massive bite

Mr Kenzo 5:25 Mon Mar 28
Re: Biannual Dubai thread
*It is full of vacuous, posing, 'look at me' cunts*

Like all your posts on here then

Alwaysaniron 5:23 Mon Mar 28
Re: Biannual Dubai thread
If you want to meet footballers who are either injured or can't be arsed to train then go there. If you want to go on holiday with TOWI on steriods then it's the place for you. If you want any form of culture then avoid it like the plague. Never going back (been twice on business) and never is too soon.

Come On You Irons 5:15 Mon Mar 28
Re: Biannual Dubai thread
I earn a six figure salary, so I can certainly afford to go to Dubai, and I have been there before and detested the place. It is full of vacuous, posing, 'look at me' cunts. No wonder it is the destination of choice for 'social media influencers' and Z-list celebrities. It is a crass, classless abomination of a place.

My choices of holiday destination are rather more exotic than Tenerife, Lanzarote and Marbella, and rather more classy that all of the above.

brick_lane_batty_boy 5:14 Mon Mar 28
Re: Biannual Dubai thread

Darby_ 5:13 Mon Mar 28
Re: Biannual Dubai thread
You seem quite upset about this, batty boy?

brick_lane_batty_boy 5:10 Mon Mar 28
Re: Biannual Dubai thread
"Dubai is shit" = "I can't afford to go"

brick_lane_batty_boy 5:09 Mon Mar 28
Re: Biannual Dubai thread
Come On You Irons 2:43 Mon Mar 28
Re: Biannual Dubai thread

Not October to Feb you can't.

All of what you say is correct re the workers.

What makes me laugh is that people on here are happy to kunt off one persons holiday destination of choice ( in this case Dubai) - but will go to Tenerife, Lanzarote, Marbella and think it's the bees knees haha - I wouldn't mind if everybody on here was doing cultural tours of Rome, climbing Everest or visiting Monks in Nepal - jokers

sbeddy 3:07 Mon Mar 28
Re: Biannual Dubai thread
Pierchic @ Al Qasr is quite nice - out on the sea - been half a dozen times - always been quality

Coffee 3:01 Mon Mar 28
Re: Biannual Dubai thread
You're a fan?

Come On You Irons 2:43 Mon Mar 28
Re: Biannual Dubai thread
If you want to go on holiday, spend your money in and contribute to the economy of a place that has no soul, no charm, no culture and no history, then go on holiday to the United Arab Emirate - a country ruled by gangsters who lock up their indentured labourers from the third world in glorified concentration camps (alongside plotting to adduct their daughters and other such egregious acts).

The only thing the gangster state of the United Arab Emirates has going for it is good weather, but you can get good weather anywhere along the coast of the Mediterranean in democratic states.

brick_lane_batty_boy 10:48 Mon Mar 28
Re: Biannual Dubai thread
yogib 10:41 Mon Mar 28

yep, tbh I was taking the piss with Sharjah. it's a dive.

RAK is a carsie too, but has cheap hotels if you cant afford Dubai. Used to do that drive to buy the booze - like an oasis in the desert!

brick_lane_batty_boy 10:48 Mon Mar 28
Re: Biannual Dubai thread
yogib 10:41 Mon Mar 28

yep, tbh I was taking the piss with Sharjah. it's a dive.

RAK is a carsie too, but has cheap hotels if you cant afford Dubai. Used to do that drive to buy the booze - like an oasis in the desert!

yogib 10:41 Mon Mar 28
Re: Biannual Dubai thread
BLBb - Sharjah is a dry state, you can’t even transport alcohol through it. I used to go to the Barracuda in RAK on booze runs but could drive through Sharjah to Dubai with booze as I had an Alcohol License

BRANDED 10:31 Mon Mar 28
Re: Biannual Dubai thread
I find it curious what people enjoy doing on their holidays. I went to Dubai in the early 90s so cant comment upon it now but would use it as a hub for discovering the region.

brick_lane_batty_boy 10:01 Mon Mar 28
Re: Biannual Dubai thread
I think the issues with Dubai stem from peoples differing expectations - It doesn't claim to be anything other than what it is - which is virtually guaranteed weather, a decent flight time, good service and a good choice of restaurants - I wouldn't even say the beaches are that great.

Not once have I heard it claim to be the hub of multiculturalism or culture - it's not what it's really aiming for.

I lived there for a couple of years - and yes, there are lots of wankers from up and down the UK - but generally, the people are ok.

I find it's mainly skint people who don't like it - or don't like the thought of it - because it's tough to get by out there (drink/eat/stay/do activities) if you don't have a few quid - The skint options are RAK, Sharjah, Jebel Ali where you might get a bit more value.

zebthecat 2:37 Sun Mar 27
Re: Biannual Dubai thread
I just don't get why anyone would want to there especially as a holiday escape from the city.

On The Ball 2:03 Sun Mar 27
Re: Biannual Dubai thread
stewie - we've only got two nights in the city so don't really have time for one of the brunches. If we were there longer I'd go for it and some of those do look good. Appreciate the dinner suggestion but I've already got those picked and we're not huge on seafood anwyay.

madeeasy - I love a skydive, but sadly again time will make that tough. Hadn't thought of that though - I'll definitely keep it in mind.

Bubbles - noted, ta!

yogib - we're actually going to pick up a couple of bottles on arrival. The desert hotel room has a private pool overlooking the desert so we'll just hang out there after dinner, so we might as well take some.

yogib 7:21 Sat Mar 26
Re: Biannual Dubai thread
OTB - you can take in 4 litres of alcohol so you could stop at Duty Free on your way in and get some supplies for your hotel fridge

BubblesCyprus 4:09 Sat Mar 26
Re: Biannual Dubai thread
Bar and Indian Restaurant 4 point Sheraton Hotel on Bank Street gets my vote spent a serious amount of my expenses account in both.

madeeasy 1:11 Sat Mar 26
Re: Biannual Dubai thread
Treat yourself to doing the sky dive dubai over the palm. Fantastic experience and great place to do it

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