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With Kind Regards 11:50 Thu Aug 4
Why West Ham?
For me it was easy. Born in Barking in mid ‘50s so supported my local team as did pretty much everyone else except for a couple of odd weirdos who were Spurs or Chelsea.

You lot?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Gaffer58 10:05 Sat Aug 6
Re: Why West Ham?
Born and live in a little market town outside Scunthorpe ( Lincolnshire) was whatching the cup winners cup final ( black and white) in 1964, was only 6 years old but was hooked there and then. Been to the Boylen 5 times but struggling to have enthusiasm for the LS, even took out a BT subscription to whatch the Europa last season.

I.want.that.one 2:56 Sat Aug 6
Re: Why West Ham?
Supported Liverpool when I was 10. Our U12 team, which my old man put together just won the north Devon league. He wrote to the club and Bonds organised for us to all attend a game against Plymouth. Won by the only goal and Bonds came over and invited us to the hotel for the after match meal.

Got Bishop’s autograph and sat next to him. Hooked from that day.

arsegrapes 2:17 Sat Aug 6
Re: Why West Ham?
Fell off my bike when I was a kid, grazed my knee and claret and blue blood came out, took it as a sign.

Billy Blagg 1:58 Sat Aug 6
Re: Why West Ham?
Born in West Ham. Mind you we were even more massive then than we are now so it was never an issue. Plus my Granddad would have disowned me if I'd supported anyone else.

Barty 10:36 Sat Aug 6
Re: Why West Ham?
No but I will go to the London stadium in November vs Leicester :)

⚒️ 10:26 Sat Aug 6
Re: Why West Ham?
I love your enthusiasm for WHU, Barty.

Have you ever came over for a match?

Barty 9:55 Sat Aug 6
Re: Why West Ham?
I´m Icelandic btw

Barty 9:55 Sat Aug 6
Re: Why West Ham?
When Bjorgolfur Gudmundson bought West Ham in 2006 I started looking after West Ham results and they soon became my second team but later in 2006 I realised I´ve become a West Ham fan proper.

Never looked back and you are stuck with me :)

Dowies Love Child 5:55 Sat Aug 6
Re: Why West Ham?
My Mum's family are all Irish and lived in Fulham when she was growing up. My Dad had no interest in football but was a big Rugby fan which is where I got my love of that game from. So really y family had no long standing connection to West Ham at all.
However, my Grandfather on Mum's side was a prisoner of war in Changi and one of the other prisoner's there was a West Ham fanatic. After he got back from the war Granddad moved the family to Romford and became close friends with this other gent. He started to go along to games at with this friend of his. His friend never really got over the war and passed away a few years later but Granddad continued to go to games on a semi-regular basis, I think as much about keeping some connection to his war mate and what they went through together as it was for any particular love of the team. He took me along a few times as a kid and I couldn't support anybody else.

chevy chase 4:11 Sat Aug 6
Re: Why West Ham?
I’m from Stepney. I’m lumbered with these gits

White Pony 1:33 Sat Aug 6
Re: Why West Ham?
Not this again.

Steady 1:10 Sat Aug 6
Re: Why West Ham?
The family have supported West Ham for generations. My grandad supported West Ham and the family came from Plashet Grove, East Ham. My dad had trials for West Ham and was captain of East London district which had John McDowell (ex-player) in the same side. My son is a mad West Ham fan too, I would have disowned him otherwise.

Texas Iron 12:32 Sat Aug 6
Re: Why West Ham?
Grew up in Spitalfields…

Cousin’s family had a cafe at
Upton Park so went there a lot ad narurally got to supporting WHUFC…

First game 1957-8 season…


mallard 12:27 Sat Aug 6
Re: Why West Ham?

bruuuno 12:24 Sat Aug 6
Re: Why West Ham?

Mike Oxsaw 10:24 Thu Aug 4

“Hello Mike alright” = fuck off oxbore you cunt

jim@chickenrun 10:38 Fri Aug 5
Re: Why West Ham?
brought up in bromley by bow in 50,s 60s...big family all supported west ham...started going regularly going about 65..never stopped...its in my blood...

Graec 7:51 Fri Aug 5
Re: Why West Ham?
Cockney Rejects

yngwies Cat 7:14 Fri Aug 5
Re: Why West Ham?
Dad used to go over when he was dating mum. She was a nurse over in Plaistow hospital. He used to pop over there when mum was working and meet her after the game.

They moved over to West London later, Chiswick, and had 4 boys.

Dad always used to say they played great football, so the die was cast .

Dad sadly no longer with us, but would be proud to know that his Grand son has followed the tradion and has his first season ticket.

Thanks dad x

Davenport 5:46 Fri Aug 5
Re: Why West Ham?
Can't really remember, think it had something to with primary school.

From Collier Row and northern father supported Sunderland. Mum said it would be child abuse to make a kid from Romford support Sunderland so ended up with West Ham.

Weirdly I think my 1st game I ever went to was Charlton v Newcastle at Upton Park but the 1st game I remember is the Bobby Moore Wolves game.

easthammer 5:07 Fri Aug 5
Re: Why West Ham?
I had an early interest in masochism and as self-flagellation didn't cut it on its own - I supported West Ham as well

jfk 2:55 Fri Aug 5
Re: Why West Ham?
My two lads had no choice.
*cracks open another cider and bimbles about in the garden before an early afternoon nap.

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