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muskie 5:55 Sun Aug 21
The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
Too good to go down?

From what I just saw we're too bad to stay up.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mad Dog 5:36 Mon Aug 22
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
*to the mod that locked this.
I've unlocked it for the simple reason that we'll get one if these every game until we improve and if we do improve thsi thread will die its own death.

Ie I've done it to simply save spamming the board.

If you want to re-lock it, that's fine and I'll leave that be.

*** OK fair enough

scott_d 3:59 Mon Aug 22
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
We lost our first 4 league games in 2018/19

Liverpool 4-0 West Ham
West Ham 1-2 Bournemouth
Arsenal 3-1 West Ham
West Ham 0-1 Wolves

However we did win 3-1 at AFC Wimbledon in the League Cup between the Arsenal and Wolves League defeats.

madeeasy 12:16 Mon Aug 22
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
only a couple of games before our relegation 6 pointer against chelsea...

Huffers 12:15 Mon Aug 22
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
From memory I think we lost the first 5 under Grant then drew the 6th when he didn't turn up at Stoke due to Yom Kippur.

muskie 12:06 Mon Aug 22
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
This thread had been deleted by this time last week.

Not so confident now then?

dealcanvey 11:02 Mon Aug 22
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
The most worrying about our league form is that we have won just 3 games since February this year.

Players look like they are starting from where they left off.

harold 9:48 Mon Aug 22
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
I thought it was the first 4.

Steady 9:21 Mon Aug 22
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
Shows what MOTD know then as they said it was our worst start since 1971

SDKFZ 222 3:01 Mon Aug 22
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
Steady 1:57 Mon Aug 22

We also lost our first three in 2018-19 under Pellegrini.

gph 2:35 Mon Aug 22
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
We got 8 points from our first 8 games. A shit start which cost us the title.

Other things that cost us the title - Liverpool cheating in the match at Anfield, Chelsea collapsing against Liverpool at home.

There's probably some others.

gph 2:31 Mon Aug 22
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
We got three points from our first three games (one win) in 85-6.

There were five games between our first and second win, though.

Johnson 2:06 Mon Aug 22
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
So when we go in to September with 0 linings and having scored no goals what then Joyo?

Cos that’s what’s happening based on the last 3 PL games.

We are shit.

joyo 2:06 Mon Aug 22
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
I'm old enough to remember 86 l believe we lost first 3 games then ended up 3rd only losing title last weekend of season....fuck off doom and gloom cunts,support ya team cunts

joyo 2:03 Mon Aug 22
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
Means fuck all...nothing...the arse lost their first 3 games and finished 5th,far too early...fuck off doom sad gloom merchants...I've seriously got hump with our start but we'll put through

Steady 1:57 Mon Aug 22
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
Our worst start to a season since 1971 (over 50 years ago)

Full Claret Jacket 1:22 Mon Aug 22
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
It's not a relegation battle yet but there are some signs of frustration and generally a lack of fitness and fight. One things for sure, the stupid European competition is just another distraction, another load of games to get injuries and fatigued from. The team needs a lift, it needs leaders to stand up and lead.

nychammer 12:48 Mon Aug 22
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
No team is in a relegation battle after 3 games. When November comes around maybe. The game today had that relegation haunted look and feel about it. We’re getting it all tactically wrong and we look severely unfit but I think we’re better than relegation fodder.

If it don’t improve moyes will be out. The key will be not having him linger like we did bilic.

gph 12:19 Mon Aug 22
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
Arsenal were bottom of the table after three games last year..

I think people actually want to panic, and are looking for reasons to do so

Westside 10:51 Sun Aug 21
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
We are very much in a relegation battle.

in the last 3 seasons, at least two of the sides, in the bottom 5, after 3 games, have been relegated.

twoleftfeet 9:43 Sun Aug 21
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
Make tiktok videos and jump out of tumble driers

BillyJenningsBoots 9:08 Sun Aug 21
Re: The West Ham relegation thread 22/23
Wtf do they do in training...

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