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Texas Iron 1:03 Mon Oct 3
Bilic Hat Trick...???
Could Bilic be in line for a Hat Trick of Sackings...???


Needs to get a string of good results ASAP...

Can't see the owners hanging about like they did with Grant...

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Russ of the BML 11:27 Tue Oct 4
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???
Aardvark 6:00 Mon Oct 3

"and they come across as being reluctant to put their hands in their pockets, unless it involves lending money to the club they own."

Really? They spent £62m in the summer (not including wages) and then got £11m back for Tomkins; making a net spend of around £51m on transfers. And had they got the targets that they went for (and let's be honest they were setting the bar high with Batshuyai, Lacazette and Bacca) they would've spent even more on transfers and wages.

Reluctant to put their hands in their pockets are they?

Aberdeen Iron 6:58 Mon Oct 3
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???
The token site pensioner is flapping already I see. Christ.

Pancho 6:43 Mon Oct 3
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???
Isn't it time for your 8th meal of the day Playmaker you disgusting housebound tragic fat mess?

Eggbert Nobacon 6:03 Mon Oct 3
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???

they've sacked 2 out of the 4 managers they've had since they've been here?

Two when we were in a far worse financial state

Playmaker10 6:02 Mon Oct 3
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???
Buster 3:57 Mon Oct 3

No he was not.

"After leaving Lokomotiv, Bilić entered talks to take over as Beşiktaş manager. The deal was confirmed on 26 June 2013 after an agreement to a three-year contract worth €4.8 million. Bilić signed the contract on 28 June 2013."

"Bilić was appointed manager of English Premier League club West Ham United on 9 June 2015 on a three-year contract"


Aardvark 6:02 Mon Oct 3
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???
*sacked at Besiktas

Aardvark 6:00 Mon Oct 3
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???
Of course, whether Bilic was sacked or not is irrelevant, because I very much doubt our owners will sack Bilic. That would mean they'd have to pay him a sum to rip his contract up and they come across as being reluctant to put their hands in their pockets, unless it involves lending money to the club they own.

No, they'll force his resignation, should his position at the club become untenable.

Russ of the BML 5:24 Mon Oct 3
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???
Tex...How about you go to a game and show some support............Oh.

dealcanvey 5:14 Mon Oct 3
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???
Sacking talk all a bit premature.

With Cresswell and Carroll back for the next game and Sakho, Ayew shortly after I think we will be ok.

Sir Alf 4:53 Mon Oct 3
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???
Thinking logically (rare for me) and hopefully in a balanced way, Slav will lose his job only if results do not improve with the return of Carroll, Sakho, Ayew and Cresswell over the next month. That would seem fair?

BennyJay 4:24 Mon Oct 3
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???
Clearly things are not going according to plan but we need to stay behind Slav...

We cant keep blaming Slav for errors by Owners, Strat move, fighting ect. His signings may have been poor but its still early days and I for one trust him to get it right.

Buster 3:57 Mon Oct 3
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???
Playmaker10 1:59 Mon Oct 3

He was at the end of his contract you stupid cunt.

Eggbert Nobacon 3:56 Mon Oct 3
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???
Matt Smith for player manager

Pancho 3:49 Mon Oct 3
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???

Was it Klash?

On The Ball 3:24 Mon Oct 3
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???
Coffee 6:24 Mon Oct 3


(no, not him)

Buster 3:23 Mon Oct 3
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???
Fuck off fordy you mammoth fist.

stewie griffin 3:23 Mon Oct 3
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???
I'm amazed that no one recalls Playmaker's previous incarnation

Pancho 3:21 Mon Oct 3
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???
Playmaker and Texas in agreement.

Biggest jokes on this site - pair of fucking retards.

Coffee 6:24 Mon Oct 3
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???
If every fucking moron on here was banned, there'd be nobody left to talk sense.

Private Dancer 6:20 Mon Oct 3
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???
This playmaker bloke is a fucking moron. Ban him.

Keep dreaming 6:04 Mon Oct 3
Re: Bilic Hat Trick...???
For fucks sake TI

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